Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ann Sieg's Renegade Network Marketer for MLM moms

There used to be few people who were willing to tell the truth about Network Marketing. It wasn't like most of Network Marketers were dishonest (although some were) but that it was a secret.

Objections like "nobody makes money in Network Marketing", "I don't have enough people to talk to", "I don't have time", etc., weren't address with "yes, and let me tell you why". At least not in the way that Ann Sieg does.

Many moms get into Network Marketing with false expectations. We think we can make the time to do our presentations while raising our children. We hope our list is going to give us all the associates we need to take our businesses off the ground. Not always happens like that.

As if our children weren't motivation enough to be successful, we keep looking for a big enough why. The Renegade Network Marketer along with the Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing explain why some of us didn't have success with traditional methods in Network Marketing and why we can build a successful MLM business online.

Ann Sieg's books and system are some of the best allies we can have in our businesses.

The Renegade Network Marketer

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!


MLM Mom said...

I like what Ann Sieg has to say, but someone else who I have leared a lot from is Mike Dillard. He has a more straightforward approach to his advice than Ann, but is also very good. Word of caution - he won't appeal to anyone who does not like blunt honesty!

Angélica Ried said...

You are right! Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard are way too honest for some people and I think that's what we like about them! Finally somebody tells it as it is, right?
