Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stay At Home Mom Working from Home: How to be a successful WAHM Part 1

Being a Stay At Home Mom is a wonderful and beautiful job. It’s challenging and draining too. Working from home can be the answer to different needs: the need to supplement your income, the need for personal development, the need to express creativity, the need to use personal qualities like teaching, writing or speaking, the need of adult interaction, the need of freedom in the long term, etc.

But I haven’t seen very often that Working from Home answers the need to have a more chaotic schedule. Going from “just” (in quotes because is an already very hard work) Stay At Home Mom to a Work at Home Mom is another wonderful, beautiful, challenging and draining experience. It can be overwhelming especially at the beginning when you are learning how to do it.

Network Marketing is the option for many WAHMs but the tips that I’m sharing here apply for any Mom who wants to be a successful Stay at Home Mom working from home.

This is not the ultimate list. My intention is actually to give a starting list you can add to as you learn more about your Industry, your niche, your product, your strategy for building your business, marketing, etc.

1. Be organized: If you were not organized before, this is the time to be! You are a Work at Home Mom but probably your schedule still goes around your children’s. Maybe you are active in other groups too. Don’t leave your business in the back burner if you want it to work. Even if you have to work during the evenings, give it always a priority in your mind. What works for me is to start my day with house chores. When the house is organized is easier to work.

2. Be focused: Work time is work time. I know, we all have interruptions. It’s frustrating when you are about to type a great blog post and little voices start asking you for whatever-it-is-you-don’t-want-to-know-about. And yes, your husband goes in that group too. Try to find a time slot when you can be the Working from Home Mom you can be. If it’s absolutely impossible to eliminate distractions, then have fun with it. What you can do in 20 minutes will be accomplished in one hour and you know what? You have to be proud you did it!

In the second part I’ll give you 3 more ways to be a Successful WAHM.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Online Marketing Success: Two Tips for Network Marketing Moms

Sometimes we waste time thinking (and even worse, saying) that we don’t know what to do in Online Marketing. Unless you are really starting you do know what to do: post in your blog, build a list, work on personal development, have a good opt in form, reuse content for Newsletters and articles, use Social Media, etc.

There are so many things to do that it can be overwhelming. Add to that endless loads of laundry, the “magic sink” (you know, the one that is always full as much as you empty it), feeding your family, chauffeuring your children , etc.

So my two tips are simple and direct:

1. Have a plan
2. Act upon it

That’s it! I know, it’s not rocket science. It works for almost anything you want to accomplish, too.

Pick few productive actions that you can focus on every day. One thing that you always need in Online Marketing is content. You also need promotion. Those two activities can be divided in multiple tasks like creating a new Squidoo lens, submitting an article to Ezine Articles or other Directory, posting in your blog, Tweet your post or other people’s post, test opt in forms, tweak a landing page, etc.

You don’t need a big plan. A business plan is good because it reminds you of where your business is going. But you also need a daily list of activities. Cross them out as you complete them.

That means, you have to complete them!. Be realistic. As much as I want to work without distractions, sometimes things happen. My daughter wants to run away, my toddler didn’t make it on time to the bathroom, my pre teen tries to help but gets dirty too. Oh, yeah, we have interruptions.

But we keep on going, we keep taking action. Work every day. Don’t allow yourself to end a day without a victory. My victory today, after a long Monday, is to post on my blog. What are you going to do?

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blogging tips: Three blogging secrets for Network Marketing Moms Part 2

Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as a leader in your niche, especially when you are using the Internet to build your Network Marketing Business.

Here is the third secret that can help you optimize your search engine (be in the the first pages of Search Engines)

3. Ping, Digg, Social Bookmarking: This is a valuable piece or information. Don’t overlook it and use it!. Every time you have something new in your blog, ping it!.

Pinging is a way to tell several Social Media sites that you have something. It helps with search engines too. Use one of this websites:, or You only have to add your URL and the FEED URL (I’ll make another post about it), and select the sites you want to send the information to. Believe me, it can make a difference. Make it a habit. It takes less than a couple of minutes.

As for Digg and Social Bookmarking, it takes more time but it’s a great way to put your information in front of more people. You can install Social Bookmark Services in your bar and use it every time you have something new. This Service includes Digg and other websites where people exchange information. Share your own blog posts and other people’s valuable information. Remember that in Attraction Marketing giving is key. When you only give your stuff that is taking!

I hope these secrets helped you. What secret about blogging do you have? Leave a comment to add to this list so we can all benefit!

Now go back to your blog and keep blogging!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blogging tips: Three blogging secrets for Network Marketing Moms Part 1

Blogging is a great way to establish yourself as a leader in your niche, especially when you are using the Internet to build your Network Marketing Business.

There are three secrets that I want to share here because they help me use my time efficiently and have taken some of my posts to the first pages of Google.

1. Know your keywords and who you are targeting with them: Keywords, like the word estates, are key! They can help you rank way high in the search engines and that in turn helps you with traffic for your blog. Google the keywords “network marketing moms”. I own almost all of the results in the first page. It’s my niche and I work smart to stay there. But I also target other keywords with more traffic.

I’ve given before a link to a great source for keywords: It can be time consuming to find a good keyword but this Report really helps you see that sometime we waste time using keywords that don't have traffic. You will need it often.

2. Use your blog like a book: Don’t hesitate in have more than one keyword. Every blog post is like a chapter in a book and it can drive more traffic, even for different target markets. Look up again “home parties or mlm online”, I own the first two or three results. I’m targeting not only moms but network marketers who are interested in Home Parties.

Use one keyword and target it, use another one and target it. Don’t use one keyword and try to give everything to know about other subjects. Concentrate. If your blog’s title is your name, this is even more important.

Be careful not to do opposite either: do not use every blog post for a different keyword. Group them under few categories.

In the second part I'll give you the third secret. If you have one, leave a comment with your secret.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

WHAM: What is your brand in Network Marketing?

In case you didn’t know, WHAM stands for Work At Home Mom or Working At Home Mom. More and more moms are deciding to be home with their children and make money. There are many possibilities for moms to make money from home.

You can work for somebody else or start your own business. I find Network Marketing to be a great option for Moms who Work from Home because of its advantages. It doesn’t mean is the only option though. Many women have their own Company and products.

Either way, you still need a brand. Your brand is YOU. And that has to be at the center of your efforts, especially in Network Marketing. Of course you need a great product and service, but you want people to recognize your name.

By recognizing your name people feel like they have a relationship with you. It feels familiar to them. They may even find a competitor’s products to be the same quality than yours and still want to buy from you.

Don’t overlook the importance to make yourself known, even if your Company doesn’t go by your name. When you are in Network Marketing this is even more important because people will join YOU. They should know you before they know about the Company you represent.

Use the Internet to market your name and establish yourself as a leader. Give your prospects the opportunity to know you more with a website where your personality shines through. Use pictures, audio and/or video. Using the Internet doesn’t mean that people can’t see you.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!