Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Online Network Marketing? Part 2

How can you actually build an MLM business online?

In a previous post I explained briefly what it means to have a connection between Internet and Network Marketing. The basic idea is to attract prospects to us instead of us approaching them.

The way to do this is building a good online presence. You have to focus on two important things: content and traffic.

The content is the part that you have to offer, what you give. Who do you want to attract? What do they want to learn about or read about? Decide, define and know who that market is and start working on your content.

The traffic is the people coming to you. Since only about 5% of the visitors actually click on the links and about 1% buys from you or wants more, it is important to have high traffic. And the more targeted it is, the less visitors you need because more of them will want (and do) more.

I've said before that it takes time and effort. Building an online Network Marketing business means that you are using a different strategy than face to face interaction.

To learn more, sing up for my Newsletter and you will get my free Report "Online Network Marketing? How is it possible to build an MLM business using the Internet without face to face interaction?"

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Online Network Marketing? Part 1

Network Marketing is proving to be the option of many, specially during times of crisis. Network Marketing doesn't downsize. Your leader or sponsor won't tell you that you are fired or that your job is being shipped overseas. Even if she or he quits, you can keep going and have the same chances of success than anyone else.

Well, there are some things that do influence in your chances of having success in MLM: your skills, the people you know, the money you can invest, the upline ready to train you, etc.

Traditional methods are based on you approaching people. They can be family, long time friends or someone you meet at the Mall. You approach, invite, show the plan, follow up and repeat as many times as needed.

When you choose to build Network Marketing online the goal is to attract people to you using the Internet. You still need to learn and develop some skills. It takes time and effort. And you can make money in different ways during the process.

How many people are online right now? Millions. You don't need all of them because you don't have things in common with everybody. But a fraction of them? Absolutely.

Online Network Marketing: not only is possible, it's becoming the new way to have a successful MLM business.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Network Marketing Moms: What to do during the Holidays?

To work or not to work?

The Holidays are stressful times (in case you didn’t realize). Between finding the perfect gift, attending parties, hosting them!, making a list of people you want to give a present to, sending greeting cards, etc., it’s even more of a challenge to dedicate time to our Network Marketing business.

Some people say that you should stick to a schedule and “show up” for work every day at the same time. I’m more for finding the right time for you. If it happens to be the same hour every day, that’s great. If you still have to play by ear following your children’s schedule, that is great too.

As long as you focus solely on your MLM business when you are working, you can be flexible. You’ll be more productive in 20 minutes of focused work than in 90 minutes of constant interruptions. We moms are wonderful multi taskers (ever nursed while tying shoes?), but again, the more focused you are, the more productive you can be.

That goes for the Holidays too. I’ve reduced my business to-do list to only the very important and the urgent.

Decide what things can’t wait until after the Holidays, which ones you can work on during the madness and which ones can be relegated to the first days of the next year. This is an important time to keep working, but not at our sanity’s expense!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,


Monday, December 15, 2008

Stay at home mom work

I’ve been reading some articles and blogs about being a stay at home mom. We all agree that is hard work. At the end of the day you are drained, your energy has been taken away and maybe your blood pressure is high from trying to keep everything under control.

But then the rewards don’t have a price. They can be as simple as a hug or smile, or the satisfaction to be the first one who sees your child taking her first step. And, of course, the confidence that gives raising your children with your core moral values.

A stay at home mom works as hard as she can. I know because I’m one, too! But somehow we manage to get around. I’ve said before that we have to be organized to get the most out of our times, and it is a constant learning for me too. Every day brings something new and I’m constantly challenged to accomplish my housework goals as well as my business goals.

What is your main challenge as a stay at home mom?

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,

Friday, December 12, 2008

Network Marketing for moms – 3 reasons to have an MLM business

There are many reasons to start a Network Marketing business. This is an Industry not only for moms but for people from all walks of life, and anyone can beneficiate from its advantages. I’m going to focus only on 3 general reasons that were what made me, as a mom, join an MLM Company.

1. The opportunity to make an income. As a Stay At Home Mom sometimes I would feel like I wanted to contribute by adding income to our finances. Network Marketing offers the average person the opportunity to supplement her income or replace completely her current one.

2. The opportunity to work form home. My center of operations is my home, although I could work from virtually anywhere in the world. It allows me to raise my children and that has no price for me. Network Marketing business can be built through traditional methods (parties, home meetings, etc) or the Internet so you have to find what suits you better.

3. The opportunity to have my own business. I am my own boss. I like the freedom to set my own hours, my own goals, and to work at my own pace. I don’t have to answer to anyone but me. The day I signed up I became the CEO of my own MLM business.

What are your reasons? Why is Network Marketing for moms?

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stay at home mom: work at home and supplement your income

It seems like nowadays we only have bad news about the economy: crisis, downfall, laid off, shipped overseas, cutting jobs, etc. These words flock the news everywhere. More and more people are looking for ways to supplement their income

A stay at home mom knows that staying home doesn’t mean sit around with a cup of coffee in your pajamas watching soup operas. We work as hard as we can, with no payment and no vacations (okay, our payment is the unconditional love of our children but you know what I mean).

The verb “stay” sounds too passive, but if we use the word “work” then the phrase ”stay at home mom” changes completely and has another meaning. It implies that we have an income. I rather say that I am a stay at home mom who works at home. It doesn’t matter what you want to be called, what matters is that you have a clear vision of what you want and the determination to get there.

You can make time to work from home. It can be hard at the beginning because it implies change but you can do it with your good organizational and time management skills. You still can get ahead in this economy. Working from home is becoming a unstoppable force. Take advantage of it.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The power of video in Network Marketing

Have you realized how powerful YouTube has become? You can create your own channel and upload the videos you want to share. You can determine if you want only a private broadcast or go public. There are people whose channels have over thousand videos. For some it's even addictive.

Not too long ago, the power of video in Network Marketing was based in VCR and more recently in DVD. My Company happens to have very good marketing material, and one of the things I like about the videos is that you can say "I know that person!" or "she is my Diamond Director" (or whatever the name of prestigious levels are in your company). Of course you could be one of the featured leaders, too.

But when you use YouTube or similar websites, you don't need to send a video or DVD in the mail, or drop it at your prospect's house and pick it up later. You only need a link to pass along. And what is even more attractive, you can promote it online (with free or paid methods) and attract viewers who can become prospects. In less than an hour my first video got 6 views. I doesn't sound like much but if you think about it, it's like meeting 6 new people in that time. And I didn't even have to do any promotion. Imagine what we can do with more marketing.

Think about it. I'll post more about video soon.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Attraction Marketing for Network Marketing Moms

Attraction marketing is based in the concept of making a sales experience the most pleasant one for the buyer. It can be applied to any kind of business, not only Network Marketing. What makes a business attractive is its capacity to create costumers for life, not only monthly sales. It can be the good organization of the products, the music played in the background, the variety or exclusivity of merchandise, the knowledge of the representatives and their willingness to help, etc.

In Network Marketing what attracts people is our capacity to solve their problems, our leadership. People are attracted to a good leader (I know I am), a knowledgeable person who can help them build a business, have costumers, create business partners and ultimately, make money.

Network Marketing Moms are problem solvers already. We face challenges constantly and we have to be ready to respond in creative and efficient ways. We have to be able to recognize the problem first and then look for the right solution. And we have that ability. Sometimes the problem is not that there is nothing to eat but that we ran out of their favorite snack. Other times the problem is not that the clothes don’t fit well but that they don’t really like them. You get the picture.

In Network Marketing, attraction marketing is based in that ability to solve problems because when we positioned ourselves as knowledgeable leaders who know how to build a business, we attract people looking for our solutions. So, start showing that you know.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Network Marketing Moms: building a business and raising a family

Do you find yourself wondering why you didn't do anything today? You did laundry, cooked, vacuumed, organized your mail, paid a couple of bills, took the children to school and picked them up, sent emails, updated your website, etc. But still, you feel like you didn't do as much.

Maybe it has to do with being a Network Marketing Mom. We are building a business and raising a family at the same time and that's not easy task. When you work outside the house is kind of easy to separate work and home because you don't have both in the same square feet surrounding you. But when you move both of them under the same roof then you have some challenges ahead.

Being Network Marketing Moms means that we have to use our organizational skills to accomplish house work and business work. Yes, we can work while the dishwasher is running but only if that task is already out of our minds. When you work on your business, whether its for 15 or 45 minutes, focus only on that. Maybe you make a list of goals you want to accomplish and work for as long as you need to finish. Maybe you can set up a time to do certain activity (i.e. write an article) and stop wherever you are when the time is up. I find this method very efficient for me because it forces me to concentrate extra hard to get more out of my time.

Find what works for you. Can you find a place with absolutely no distractions? Great! Do you have to learn to ignore background noise? You can do it! At the end of the day look at everything you have accomplished. Even if that is only one load of laundry.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms,