Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Work at Home Moms: How to manifest your desires like a child Part 2

In the first part I told you a little about How to Manifest your Desires. It is a big and important part of personal growth and maybe you have been applying Principles of Manifestation without being aware of it. I am convinced I manifested my soul mate without knowing it (my husband, in case you are wondering).

One important aspect of Manifesting your desires is to see them in your mind as if they were already true and actual. The present is the only reality in your mind. That is why you have to think about what you want in present time and feel it. And I just witnessed a Manifestation of the Desires in a simple, innocent and beautiful way.

Last Friday I picked my mom and my 4 year old niece up from the Airport. They came all the way down (or “up” actually) from Peru to stay with us for few months. My niece has been thinking about her first visit to the States and what she is going to do ever since she knew she was coming, about three months ago.

The most powerful thought and image in her mind was the snow (she has never seen any). She kept asking me if there was going to be snow for Christmas. I promised her more than once that she was going to see snow but I could not assure her when.

In her mind she was already playing with the snow, making snowmen, throwing snow balls at her cousins (my children), taking pictures, etc. I was amazed when I learned that the Storm was basically following them! She even asked me to buy carrots to use as noses for the snowmen. We made it safely to our house on Friday evening and the next morning everything was white.

My niece manifested all the snow she wanted. She played, threw snow balls and made Snow Angels. She is not a bit tired of all the snow. The only thing left is the Snowmen and by now you must suspect that she will have that too.

Yes, I think the snow is her fault. Or rather, the Manifestation of her Desires.

I learned so much from this! I have learned basic principles of Manifestation but it’s not enough to learn. We have to know, to remind ourselves of them and to apply them constantly. Hey, if a 4 year old can manifest this much snow, we can do anything!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Work at Home Moms: How to manifest your desires like a child - Part 1

If you are not familiar with the concept of Manifestation, it basically means the materialization of your desires and dreams. Being Work At Home Moms, we need to have dreams, goals and a plan to make it happen.

The manifestation of your desires is an essential part of your business’s success because it will be the materialization of what you want. Why are you in business? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to manifest?

It can be a steady passive income that will allow you to travel the world. It can be to write a Best Seller book. It can be to send your children to any School. Anything that gets you going in your business is what you want to manifest.

There are MANY resources out there that can explain you How to Manifest your Desires. I picked this article because it summarizes the principles I like the most and it gives concrete advice and more resources. Here is another great article about Shifting your Vibration to Manifest your Desires.

In the next part of this post I will focus on the importance of believing that you already have what you want. The reason for this is that I have witnessed a beautiful example of manifestation.

I can only tell you that I think I know whose fault the Snow is.

Make sure to get the second part by subscribing to my blog or becoming a follower.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mom work: Got some Chritsmas Shopping done?

Tis the season to be jolly, holly, inspired and stressed... At least for me. Who said "me too?"... I don't even have to shop for that many people (and that many presents) but that Christmas Shopping takes a lot of time. And that is time I could be working on my business.

Yes, I have to confess, I'm taking time off my business to do some shopping. It's when I'm with my 2 year old (who is not going to tell anyone about their presents) and when I can get more done. And yes, it's the time when I neglect my business.

I was feeling unproductive and like I was losing sales. But then I read an article about How to Lose friends and Alienate people and it reminded me of WHY I am here.

I am here to help other Moms to find joy in their Home Based Business. I'm here to share what I learn, to show that I'm not perfect, to help other moms see that being a Stay At Home Mom Working from Home is a challenge that we can do. And sometimes that means taking the time to serve others. "Others" as in "our families", the most important people in our lives. I'm giving them a nice Christmas.

That comes with teaching my children to be responsible by taking time, at least weekly, to take care of my mom friends online. It comes with doing some Christmas Shopping, decorating the house, read more the Bible, go to Church, watch movies together, getting ready for the celebration of Giving, etc.

I'm giving myself to my family, friends, blog followers and the Online Community. Tis the season to give and do it jolly.

Are you neglecting your business? How do you keep the balance during this season? Leave a comment about it!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Online Social Network Marketing: Using Social Media in your MLM home business

Social Media is being used more and more in business in general. Big companies like Dell, small local businesses and e-commerce companies are using sites like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace not only to create a costumer base but to keep in touch with their current one, and as a powerful marketing tool to attract more people. Take a look at this article about how businesses use Online Social Network Marketing.

If other businesses are doing it, why not us Network Marketers? Building an MLM home business has been traditionally associated with face to face interaction. Although this is still powerful, more and more the new way to socialize online forces us to be part of the trend. It’s what everyone is doing. And they do it because it works.

Why you should use Social Media in your Network Marketing business? Because it allows you connect with your current clients and business partners, it keeps the communication and helps create a buzz about what you are doing, and it helps you generate new fans, followers, costumers and business partners.

Online Network Marketing is all about attracting prospects; that is, generating your own leads. How many people can you connect with in one day? 2? 20? 200? If you have that amount of followers in Twitter, for example, you can connect with them in one click.

Social Media is a great way to generate leads for your MLM Home Business for free. It takes up more time than money. And when you learn few tricks to maximize your Online Presence, it can change your business.

How do you use Social Media in your Network Marketing business? Leave a comment about it.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

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