How can you actually build an MLM business online?
In a previous post I explained briefly what it means to have a connection between Internet and Network Marketing. The basic idea is to attract prospects to us instead of us approaching them.
The way to do this is building a good online presence. You have to focus on two important things: content and traffic.
The content is the part that you have to offer, what you give. Who do you want to attract? What do they want to learn about or read about? Decide, define and know who that market is and start working on your content.
The traffic is the people coming to you. Since only about 5% of the visitors actually click on the links and about 1% buys from you or wants more, it is important to have high traffic. And the more targeted it is, the less visitors you need because more of them will want (and do) more.
I've said before that it takes time and effort. Building an online Network Marketing business means that you are using a different strategy than face to face interaction.
To learn more, sing up for my Newsletter and you will get my free Report "Online Network Marketing? How is it possible to build an MLM business using the Internet without face to face interaction?"
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Online Network Marketing? Part 1
Network Marketing is proving to be the option of many, specially during times of crisis. Network Marketing doesn't downsize. Your leader or sponsor won't tell you that you are fired or that your job is being shipped overseas. Even if she or he quits, you can keep going and have the same chances of success than anyone else.
Well, there are some things that do influence in your chances of having success in MLM: your skills, the people you know, the money you can invest, the upline ready to train you, etc.
Traditional methods are based on you approaching people. They can be family, long time friends or someone you meet at the Mall. You approach, invite, show the plan, follow up and repeat as many times as needed.
When you choose to build Network Marketing online the goal is to attract people to you using the Internet. You still need to learn and develop some skills. It takes time and effort. And you can make money in different ways during the process.
How many people are online right now? Millions. You don't need all of them because you don't have things in common with everybody. But a fraction of them? Absolutely.
Online Network Marketing: not only is possible, it's becoming the new way to have a successful MLM business.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Well, there are some things that do influence in your chances of having success in MLM: your skills, the people you know, the money you can invest, the upline ready to train you, etc.
Traditional methods are based on you approaching people. They can be family, long time friends or someone you meet at the Mall. You approach, invite, show the plan, follow up and repeat as many times as needed.
When you choose to build Network Marketing online the goal is to attract people to you using the Internet. You still need to learn and develop some skills. It takes time and effort. And you can make money in different ways during the process.
How many people are online right now? Millions. You don't need all of them because you don't have things in common with everybody. But a fraction of them? Absolutely.
Online Network Marketing: not only is possible, it's becoming the new way to have a successful MLM business.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Network Marketing Moms: What to do during the Holidays?
To work or not to work?
The Holidays are stressful times (in case you didn’t realize). Between finding the perfect gift, attending parties, hosting them!, making a list of people you want to give a present to, sending greeting cards, etc., it’s even more of a challenge to dedicate time to our Network Marketing business.
Some people say that you should stick to a schedule and “show up” for work every day at the same time. I’m more for finding the right time for you. If it happens to be the same hour every day, that’s great. If you still have to play by ear following your children’s schedule, that is great too.
As long as you focus solely on your MLM business when you are working, you can be flexible. You’ll be more productive in 20 minutes of focused work than in 90 minutes of constant interruptions. We moms are wonderful multi taskers (ever nursed while tying shoes?), but again, the more focused you are, the more productive you can be.
That goes for the Holidays too. I’ve reduced my business to-do list to only the very important and the urgent.
Decide what things can’t wait until after the Holidays, which ones you can work on during the madness and which ones can be relegated to the first days of the next year. This is an important time to keep working, but not at our sanity’s expense!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
The Holidays are stressful times (in case you didn’t realize). Between finding the perfect gift, attending parties, hosting them!, making a list of people you want to give a present to, sending greeting cards, etc., it’s even more of a challenge to dedicate time to our Network Marketing business.
Some people say that you should stick to a schedule and “show up” for work every day at the same time. I’m more for finding the right time for you. If it happens to be the same hour every day, that’s great. If you still have to play by ear following your children’s schedule, that is great too.
As long as you focus solely on your MLM business when you are working, you can be flexible. You’ll be more productive in 20 minutes of focused work than in 90 minutes of constant interruptions. We moms are wonderful multi taskers (ever nursed while tying shoes?), but again, the more focused you are, the more productive you can be.
That goes for the Holidays too. I’ve reduced my business to-do list to only the very important and the urgent.
Decide what things can’t wait until after the Holidays, which ones you can work on during the madness and which ones can be relegated to the first days of the next year. This is an important time to keep working, but not at our sanity’s expense!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Monday, December 15, 2008
Stay at home mom work
I’ve been reading some articles and blogs about being a stay at home mom. We all agree that is hard work. At the end of the day you are drained, your energy has been taken away and maybe your blood pressure is high from trying to keep everything under control.
But then the rewards don’t have a price. They can be as simple as a hug or smile, or the satisfaction to be the first one who sees your child taking her first step. And, of course, the confidence that gives raising your children with your core moral values.
A stay at home mom works as hard as she can. I know because I’m one, too! But somehow we manage to get around. I’ve said before that we have to be organized to get the most out of our times, and it is a constant learning for me too. Every day brings something new and I’m constantly challenged to accomplish my housework goals as well as my business goals.
What is your main challenge as a stay at home mom?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
But then the rewards don’t have a price. They can be as simple as a hug or smile, or the satisfaction to be the first one who sees your child taking her first step. And, of course, the confidence that gives raising your children with your core moral values.
A stay at home mom works as hard as she can. I know because I’m one, too! But somehow we manage to get around. I’ve said before that we have to be organized to get the most out of our times, and it is a constant learning for me too. Every day brings something new and I’m constantly challenged to accomplish my housework goals as well as my business goals.
What is your main challenge as a stay at home mom?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Friday, December 12, 2008
Network Marketing for moms – 3 reasons to have an MLM business
There are many reasons to start a Network Marketing business. This is an Industry not only for moms but for people from all walks of life, and anyone can beneficiate from its advantages. I’m going to focus only on 3 general reasons that were what made me, as a mom, join an MLM Company.
1. The opportunity to make an income. As a Stay At Home Mom sometimes I would feel like I wanted to contribute by adding income to our finances. Network Marketing offers the average person the opportunity to supplement her income or replace completely her current one.
2. The opportunity to work form home. My center of operations is my home, although I could work from virtually anywhere in the world. It allows me to raise my children and that has no price for me. Network Marketing business can be built through traditional methods (parties, home meetings, etc) or the Internet so you have to find what suits you better.
3. The opportunity to have my own business. I am my own boss. I like the freedom to set my own hours, my own goals, and to work at my own pace. I don’t have to answer to anyone but me. The day I signed up I became the CEO of my own MLM business.
What are your reasons? Why is Network Marketing for moms?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
1. The opportunity to make an income. As a Stay At Home Mom sometimes I would feel like I wanted to contribute by adding income to our finances. Network Marketing offers the average person the opportunity to supplement her income or replace completely her current one.
2. The opportunity to work form home. My center of operations is my home, although I could work from virtually anywhere in the world. It allows me to raise my children and that has no price for me. Network Marketing business can be built through traditional methods (parties, home meetings, etc) or the Internet so you have to find what suits you better.
3. The opportunity to have my own business. I am my own boss. I like the freedom to set my own hours, my own goals, and to work at my own pace. I don’t have to answer to anyone but me. The day I signed up I became the CEO of my own MLM business.
What are your reasons? Why is Network Marketing for moms?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Stay at home mom: work at home and supplement your income
It seems like nowadays we only have bad news about the economy: crisis, downfall, laid off, shipped overseas, cutting jobs, etc. These words flock the news everywhere. More and more people are looking for ways to supplement their income
A stay at home mom knows that staying home doesn’t mean sit around with a cup of coffee in your pajamas watching soup operas. We work as hard as we can, with no payment and no vacations (okay, our payment is the unconditional love of our children but you know what I mean).
The verb “stay” sounds too passive, but if we use the word “work” then the phrase ”stay at home mom” changes completely and has another meaning. It implies that we have an income. I rather say that I am a stay at home mom who works at home. It doesn’t matter what you want to be called, what matters is that you have a clear vision of what you want and the determination to get there.
You can make time to work from home. It can be hard at the beginning because it implies change but you can do it with your good organizational and time management skills. You still can get ahead in this economy. Working from home is becoming a unstoppable force. Take advantage of it.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
A stay at home mom knows that staying home doesn’t mean sit around with a cup of coffee in your pajamas watching soup operas. We work as hard as we can, with no payment and no vacations (okay, our payment is the unconditional love of our children but you know what I mean).
The verb “stay” sounds too passive, but if we use the word “work” then the phrase ”stay at home mom” changes completely and has another meaning. It implies that we have an income. I rather say that I am a stay at home mom who works at home. It doesn’t matter what you want to be called, what matters is that you have a clear vision of what you want and the determination to get there.
You can make time to work from home. It can be hard at the beginning because it implies change but you can do it with your good organizational and time management skills. You still can get ahead in this economy. Working from home is becoming a unstoppable force. Take advantage of it.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
moms work at home,
Stay at home Moms,
work at home moms
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The power of video in Network Marketing
Have you realized how powerful YouTube has become? You can create your own channel and upload the videos you want to share. You can determine if you want only a private broadcast or go public. There are people whose channels have over thousand videos. For some it's even addictive.
Not too long ago, the power of video in Network Marketing was based in VCR and more recently in DVD. My Company happens to have very good marketing material, and one of the things I like about the videos is that you can say "I know that person!" or "she is my Diamond Director" (or whatever the name of prestigious levels are in your company). Of course you could be one of the featured leaders, too.
But when you use YouTube or similar websites, you don't need to send a video or DVD in the mail, or drop it at your prospect's house and pick it up later. You only need a link to pass along. And what is even more attractive, you can promote it online (with free or paid methods) and attract viewers who can become prospects. In less than an hour my first video got 6 views. I doesn't sound like much but if you think about it, it's like meeting 6 new people in that time. And I didn't even have to do any promotion. Imagine what we can do with more marketing.
Think about it. I'll post more about video soon.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Not too long ago, the power of video in Network Marketing was based in VCR and more recently in DVD. My Company happens to have very good marketing material, and one of the things I like about the videos is that you can say "I know that person!" or "she is my Diamond Director" (or whatever the name of prestigious levels are in your company). Of course you could be one of the featured leaders, too.
But when you use YouTube or similar websites, you don't need to send a video or DVD in the mail, or drop it at your prospect's house and pick it up later. You only need a link to pass along. And what is even more attractive, you can promote it online (with free or paid methods) and attract viewers who can become prospects. In less than an hour my first video got 6 views. I doesn't sound like much but if you think about it, it's like meeting 6 new people in that time. And I didn't even have to do any promotion. Imagine what we can do with more marketing.
Think about it. I'll post more about video soon.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Attraction Marketing for Network Marketing Moms
Attraction marketing is based in the concept of making a sales experience the most pleasant one for the buyer. It can be applied to any kind of business, not only Network Marketing. What makes a business attractive is its capacity to create costumers for life, not only monthly sales. It can be the good organization of the products, the music played in the background, the variety or exclusivity of merchandise, the knowledge of the representatives and their willingness to help, etc.
In Network Marketing what attracts people is our capacity to solve their problems, our leadership. People are attracted to a good leader (I know I am), a knowledgeable person who can help them build a business, have costumers, create business partners and ultimately, make money.
Network Marketing Moms are problem solvers already. We face challenges constantly and we have to be ready to respond in creative and efficient ways. We have to be able to recognize the problem first and then look for the right solution. And we have that ability. Sometimes the problem is not that there is nothing to eat but that we ran out of their favorite snack. Other times the problem is not that the clothes don’t fit well but that they don’t really like them. You get the picture.
In Network Marketing, attraction marketing is based in that ability to solve problems because when we positioned ourselves as knowledgeable leaders who know how to build a business, we attract people looking for our solutions. So, start showing that you know.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
In Network Marketing what attracts people is our capacity to solve their problems, our leadership. People are attracted to a good leader (I know I am), a knowledgeable person who can help them build a business, have costumers, create business partners and ultimately, make money.
Network Marketing Moms are problem solvers already. We face challenges constantly and we have to be ready to respond in creative and efficient ways. We have to be able to recognize the problem first and then look for the right solution. And we have that ability. Sometimes the problem is not that there is nothing to eat but that we ran out of their favorite snack. Other times the problem is not that the clothes don’t fit well but that they don’t really like them. You get the picture.
In Network Marketing, attraction marketing is based in that ability to solve problems because when we positioned ourselves as knowledgeable leaders who know how to build a business, we attract people looking for our solutions. So, start showing that you know.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Network Marketing Moms: building a business and raising a family
Do you find yourself wondering why you didn't do anything today? You did laundry, cooked, vacuumed, organized your mail, paid a couple of bills, took the children to school and picked them up, sent emails, updated your website, etc. But still, you feel like you didn't do as much.
Maybe it has to do with being a Network Marketing Mom. We are building a business and raising a family at the same time and that's not easy task. When you work outside the house is kind of easy to separate work and home because you don't have both in the same square feet surrounding you. But when you move both of them under the same roof then you have some challenges ahead.
Being Network Marketing Moms means that we have to use our organizational skills to accomplish house work and business work. Yes, we can work while the dishwasher is running but only if that task is already out of our minds. When you work on your business, whether its for 15 or 45 minutes, focus only on that. Maybe you make a list of goals you want to accomplish and work for as long as you need to finish. Maybe you can set up a time to do certain activity (i.e. write an article) and stop wherever you are when the time is up. I find this method very efficient for me because it forces me to concentrate extra hard to get more out of my time.
Find what works for you. Can you find a place with absolutely no distractions? Great! Do you have to learn to ignore background noise? You can do it! At the end of the day look at everything you have accomplished. Even if that is only one load of laundry.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Maybe it has to do with being a Network Marketing Mom. We are building a business and raising a family at the same time and that's not easy task. When you work outside the house is kind of easy to separate work and home because you don't have both in the same square feet surrounding you. But when you move both of them under the same roof then you have some challenges ahead.
Being Network Marketing Moms means that we have to use our organizational skills to accomplish house work and business work. Yes, we can work while the dishwasher is running but only if that task is already out of our minds. When you work on your business, whether its for 15 or 45 minutes, focus only on that. Maybe you make a list of goals you want to accomplish and work for as long as you need to finish. Maybe you can set up a time to do certain activity (i.e. write an article) and stop wherever you are when the time is up. I find this method very efficient for me because it forces me to concentrate extra hard to get more out of my time.
Find what works for you. Can you find a place with absolutely no distractions? Great! Do you have to learn to ignore background noise? You can do it! At the end of the day look at everything you have accomplished. Even if that is only one load of laundry.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Two things about time management for Network Marketing Moms
Working at home has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is that you are home and have the chance to be around your family. One disadvantage is that you are home and have the chance to be around your family.
As much as we like being there to raise our children, we face the consequences of having them around all day long. If they are old enough to go to school then that is your best shot to have productive time for your business, especially if you are working using Internet and need to concentrate.
Focus is very important in your business. Divide your activities in groups so you devote 10, 15 or 20 minutes, non stop, to each one of them. When you use Internet in Network Marketing to build your business this makes a lot of sense since you are in front of the computer a lot.
But how can you focus if you have children around? I read an article about an alternative to eliminate distractions. My biggest distractions are not unfinished chores (as tempting as they are, they can wait!) but my children. And it's not like I can "eliminate" them. I have to distract them, and to do that I have different alternatives. Sometimes is enough to give time to play together with whatever they want and others it means turn the TV on.
Whatever your strategy is, keep in mind that you need to focus and to manage your distractions (eliminate or distract them).
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
As much as we like being there to raise our children, we face the consequences of having them around all day long. If they are old enough to go to school then that is your best shot to have productive time for your business, especially if you are working using Internet and need to concentrate.
Focus is very important in your business. Divide your activities in groups so you devote 10, 15 or 20 minutes, non stop, to each one of them. When you use Internet in Network Marketing to build your business this makes a lot of sense since you are in front of the computer a lot.
But how can you focus if you have children around? I read an article about an alternative to eliminate distractions. My biggest distractions are not unfinished chores (as tempting as they are, they can wait!) but my children. And it's not like I can "eliminate" them. I have to distract them, and to do that I have different alternatives. Sometimes is enough to give time to play together with whatever they want and others it means turn the TV on.
Whatever your strategy is, keep in mind that you need to focus and to manage your distractions (eliminate or distract them).
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Network Marketing Moms,
work at home moms
Monday, November 24, 2008
Is it possible to build Network Marketing using Internet? Part III: Building relationships of trust
This is the last post of this series.
How is it possible to build a relationship of trust using Internet in Network Marketing? You don’t have face to face interaction; you don’t get to hear each other’s voice. That relationship of trust is built in a totally different way.
Technology affects how we communicate and relate to others nowadays more than in any era of History. Text messaging is so popular now; we have a whole new language to communicate with! A cell phone is not just to make calls. Making calls is actually one of the least attractive features of a cell phone.
The point is, it’s not only Internet; it is technology in general. And we have to keep up with it. It is possible not only to maintain relationships but to build new ones using Internet. In Network Marketing that relationship is built when the person who is looking for something of value finds you online. And “you” means what you offer: educational information, information that is valuable to them because they can put it into practice and it’s going to affect their business in a positive way. How do you do that? Sharing what you know or have experienced.
In this case that sharing is made in its more pure marketing expression. You are not selling your opportunity or your products right away, but you are selling yourself as a leader worth taking the time to read about, a leader who has something to give, and a leader who knows what she is doing. A leader worthy of their trust.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
How is it possible to build a relationship of trust using Internet in Network Marketing? You don’t have face to face interaction; you don’t get to hear each other’s voice. That relationship of trust is built in a totally different way.
Technology affects how we communicate and relate to others nowadays more than in any era of History. Text messaging is so popular now; we have a whole new language to communicate with! A cell phone is not just to make calls. Making calls is actually one of the least attractive features of a cell phone.
The point is, it’s not only Internet; it is technology in general. And we have to keep up with it. It is possible not only to maintain relationships but to build new ones using Internet. In Network Marketing that relationship is built when the person who is looking for something of value finds you online. And “you” means what you offer: educational information, information that is valuable to them because they can put it into practice and it’s going to affect their business in a positive way. How do you do that? Sharing what you know or have experienced.
In this case that sharing is made in its more pure marketing expression. You are not selling your opportunity or your products right away, but you are selling yourself as a leader worth taking the time to read about, a leader who has something to give, and a leader who knows what she is doing. A leader worthy of their trust.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms,
Friday, November 21, 2008
Is it possible to build Network Marketing using Internet? Part II: A word about leads and trust.
Leads are people who are looking for a home based business(supposedly) so our job is to tap into their needs, let them know that we care about them, that our whole intention is to help them. Again, that can take few seconds or much longer. After all, we only make so may calls, right? How much in a rush are you to make 20 calls in one hour that you can’t devote 10 minutes to only one person? Yes, maybe that is going to be your best call, but if you don’t call the other leads, they are going to age and lose interest, right?
And how many leads you have to call until you find someone who is truly interested in a home based business, interested enough to let you come into their lives and become their friend? Yes, the more expensive the lead, the best the quality; but I'm focusing on the importance of building rapport, like so many times we've heard. If we can't have that we are better off letting them go.
Again, trust. Everything goes back to building relationships of trust. Only when someone trusts us, are they willing to do business with us, either buying a product or considering the business aspect of what we have to offer.
This series of posts is not over, wait for more.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms
And how many leads you have to call until you find someone who is truly interested in a home based business, interested enough to let you come into their lives and become their friend? Yes, the more expensive the lead, the best the quality; but I'm focusing on the importance of building rapport, like so many times we've heard. If we can't have that we are better off letting them go.
Again, trust. Everything goes back to building relationships of trust. Only when someone trusts us, are they willing to do business with us, either buying a product or considering the business aspect of what we have to offer.
This series of posts is not over, wait for more.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Is it possible to build Network Marketing using Internet? Part I: The importance of trust.
How is it possible to build a Network Marketing business using Internet? Network Marketing is a people business, “people” as in I see you and you see me, you hear me and I hear you. We establish a relationship of trust when we talk with someone and let them know we are going to be there for them when they need us. How long does it take to create that trust? Sometimes minutes, sometimes months!
That’s why we are told to come up with a list of names of people we know, namely, family and friends: because we already have a relationship of trust with them. If we tell them we got involved in this wonderful business that is going to set us free financially, we can easily say “you know I don’t fall just or anything” and they may believe us. Besides their own believes and thoughts about Network Marketing, we can have more chances to make business with someone we know just because of that trust.
So, what happens when we run out of people who trust us? We start making more friends, meeting more acquaintances or approaching big amounts of people who don’t know us to see if someone is in the right moment and the right place, if the timing is right for them. In this case they trust their own reasons to look for new ways to make money and they are more vulnerable to trust you if you look fairly decent and honest.
Stay tuned for the rest of the series...
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
That’s why we are told to come up with a list of names of people we know, namely, family and friends: because we already have a relationship of trust with them. If we tell them we got involved in this wonderful business that is going to set us free financially, we can easily say “you know I don’t fall just or anything” and they may believe us. Besides their own believes and thoughts about Network Marketing, we can have more chances to make business with someone we know just because of that trust.
So, what happens when we run out of people who trust us? We start making more friends, meeting more acquaintances or approaching big amounts of people who don’t know us to see if someone is in the right moment and the right place, if the timing is right for them. In this case they trust their own reasons to look for new ways to make money and they are more vulnerable to trust you if you look fairly decent and honest.
Stay tuned for the rest of the series...
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Is Network Marketing sales? Part II
There where many things that attracted me to Network Marketing (residual income, social interaction, helping people, high quality products, self improvement, etc) but selling wasn’t one of them. When I realized that I was in sales I didn’t like it.
Thankfully my upline introduced me to the teachings of Tim Sales. He does a marvelous job explaining why selling is communicating. Turns out that, by being a wife and a mom (and all my other roles in life), I was selling day in and day out. Now that was a shock. But it allowed me to see that I did have sales skills and that I could improve them by learning how to be an effective communicator.
A good salesperson only sells to those who will buy. I recently read in Entrepreneur Magazine that the sales give you the money and the marketing is the fun part. Marketing allows you to present your message to as many people as possible. What people? Only those who want what you have.
Although Network Marketing is not door to door sales (unless you choose that method), we do have a product and we do get commissions every time someone buys them. One advantage we have as distributors is that we are familiar with the products and its benefits, as well as many aspects of the business. By learning and communicating (or sharing) valuable information you become a consultant; which sounds even more professional than saleswoman.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Thankfully my upline introduced me to the teachings of Tim Sales. He does a marvelous job explaining why selling is communicating. Turns out that, by being a wife and a mom (and all my other roles in life), I was selling day in and day out. Now that was a shock. But it allowed me to see that I did have sales skills and that I could improve them by learning how to be an effective communicator.
A good salesperson only sells to those who will buy. I recently read in Entrepreneur Magazine that the sales give you the money and the marketing is the fun part. Marketing allows you to present your message to as many people as possible. What people? Only those who want what you have.
Although Network Marketing is not door to door sales (unless you choose that method), we do have a product and we do get commissions every time someone buys them. One advantage we have as distributors is that we are familiar with the products and its benefits, as well as many aspects of the business. By learning and communicating (or sharing) valuable information you become a consultant; which sounds even more professional than saleswoman.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Is Network Marketing sales? Part I
When I was introduced to Network Marketing my biggest objection for was that I didn't want to be involved in sales. I was confident that I didn’t have sales skills and couldn't even sell a piece of candy to a starving kid. So, when I was introduced to the concept of sharing, everything started to make more sense.
I got involved in MLM because the idea of building a residual income was too attractive: income that you keep on receiving even when you are not working? Sign me up. I could work hard for few years. In any case, sharing could not be that bad.
At the beginning I didn't understand very well what people I had to call. I thought that "the list" was going to be given to me or that I could find it online just like that. Turns out I had to make the list. No big deal, I knew at least five people who couldn't say no. But they did.
So sharing wasn't enough after all, huh? Still, I got offended if someone would ask me about the products I sold. I didn't sell! I shared! That was until I came to the stunning realization that when someone gets a product from me and I get the money, that is selling. I was in sales after all. Network Marketing is sales after all...
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
I got involved in MLM because the idea of building a residual income was too attractive: income that you keep on receiving even when you are not working? Sign me up. I could work hard for few years. In any case, sharing could not be that bad.
At the beginning I didn't understand very well what people I had to call. I thought that "the list" was going to be given to me or that I could find it online just like that. Turns out I had to make the list. No big deal, I knew at least five people who couldn't say no. But they did.
So sharing wasn't enough after all, huh? Still, I got offended if someone would ask me about the products I sold. I didn't sell! I shared! That was until I came to the stunning realization that when someone gets a product from me and I get the money, that is selling. I was in sales after all. Network Marketing is sales after all...
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Why do you need a domain name in your Network Marketing business?
Actually, a domain name is a must for any business. The first reason why you need a domain name is that gives you recognition. It gives you uniqueness and separates you from the pack. It can make a lot easier to find you online and it's going to show that you are serious about your business.
A domain name is what people type in the browser box (that rectangle where you type ""). For example,,,, are all domain names. A good domain name is going to stick in your prospects' minds and it can minimize misspellings.
Maybe your company gave you a website. But usually is something like "". With your own domain name you can have your own name in the browser and redirect that address you your company's. See for example what happens when you type "" . See that? I redirected my domain name to my blog and before I did to The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. You can do that when you buy any domain. I also bought another during the weekend that is going to be different. Come back to see what I'm doing with that new domain.
As your business grows and your Internet strategy lifts from the ground, you'll see that you will want more domains. But for now don't get overwhelmed and don't be afraid. They cost about $10 a year. If you want hosting (what allows you to have content, like building your own website) and more services, it's going to cost more.
The two services I've used are and They are very well known and trustful. Just trust me on this one and start with your own name. Your Network Marketing business will benefit from it in the long run.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
A domain name is what people type in the browser box (that rectangle where you type ""). For example,,,, are all domain names. A good domain name is going to stick in your prospects' minds and it can minimize misspellings.
Maybe your company gave you a website. But usually is something like "". With your own domain name you can have your own name in the browser and redirect that address you your company's. See for example what happens when you type "" . See that? I redirected my domain name to my blog and before I did to The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. You can do that when you buy any domain. I also bought another during the weekend that is going to be different. Come back to see what I'm doing with that new domain.
As your business grows and your Internet strategy lifts from the ground, you'll see that you will want more domains. But for now don't get overwhelmed and don't be afraid. They cost about $10 a year. If you want hosting (what allows you to have content, like building your own website) and more services, it's going to cost more.
The two services I've used are and They are very well known and trustful. Just trust me on this one and start with your own name. Your Network Marketing business will benefit from it in the long run.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Do Network Marketing Moms have qualities that set us apart?
People say that if you need something done, you have to ask a busy person. Moms have the ability to get things done even when we have a long to-do list. Although we do have to say no sometimes, we have the ability to prioritize and the persistence to keep going. How many times do you pick up toys? How long did it take you to get your children to do it? Did you give up even when you thought you would?
It also takes patience. Not the kind of patience that keeps you from yelling and scolding but the kind that allows you to see the big picture. Hey! You don’t know the end result of your efforts until 30 plus years! (With luck, I don’t think my mom feels like she is done with me…)
And what about organizational skills? How can you keep track of all the activities and social lives of your children? Have you ever been congratulated for a good party?
Those are the qualities you need to apply in your Network Marketing business. More than experience, you need your potential to get things done, persistence, patience and organization. You also need the desire to use those qualities and to learn.
So don’t give up. The results will come and you’ll feel great. Like when you see the toys where they actually belong.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
It also takes patience. Not the kind of patience that keeps you from yelling and scolding but the kind that allows you to see the big picture. Hey! You don’t know the end result of your efforts until 30 plus years! (With luck, I don’t think my mom feels like she is done with me…)
And what about organizational skills? How can you keep track of all the activities and social lives of your children? Have you ever been congratulated for a good party?
Those are the qualities you need to apply in your Network Marketing business. More than experience, you need your potential to get things done, persistence, patience and organization. You also need the desire to use those qualities and to learn.
So don’t give up. The results will come and you’ll feel great. Like when you see the toys where they actually belong.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Network Marketing Moms,
work at home moms
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Objections in Network Marketing-how to avoid them
You usually hear or read advice about how to handle objections. And it's important that we know how to do it. It's probably one of the most important skills in Network Marketing. We start by listening to the prospect so we can understand where the objection comes from (most of the time it's fear). Without belittling their feelings, we help them see the bigger picture taking their focus off the negative things they see. It takes time, practice, patience and energy. When you listen to the leaders in the Industry making life calls to prospects, they make it look so easy!
But, what can be even easier?
What about avoiding objections in the first place? I don't mean "avoid" in a way that you ignore what they say and keep pushing you opportunity whether they like it or not. I mean "avoid" in a way that they are not there because the prospect already found the answer she or he was looking for.
That's what happens when you have valuable information to offer online. Honest, transparent and simple information about Network Marketing. Interested people are looking for answers and it's our job to give them good ones. It's very frustrating when you follow tips and recommendations without success. That's where practice and patience comes in play. Now that I know I can attract people with most of their Network Marketing objections solved, I feel way more confident. And that's a treat that we see in all the great MLM leaders.
So, grab a copy of the FREE e-book on the side, "The 7 great lies in Network Marketing" and see for yourself that avoiding most objections in Network Marketing is possible.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
But, what can be even easier?
What about avoiding objections in the first place? I don't mean "avoid" in a way that you ignore what they say and keep pushing you opportunity whether they like it or not. I mean "avoid" in a way that they are not there because the prospect already found the answer she or he was looking for.
That's what happens when you have valuable information to offer online. Honest, transparent and simple information about Network Marketing. Interested people are looking for answers and it's our job to give them good ones. It's very frustrating when you follow tips and recommendations without success. That's where practice and patience comes in play. Now that I know I can attract people with most of their Network Marketing objections solved, I feel way more confident. And that's a treat that we see in all the great MLM leaders.
So, grab a copy of the FREE e-book on the side, "The 7 great lies in Network Marketing" and see for yourself that avoiding most objections in Network Marketing is possible.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Do you know how to create leads for Network Marketing?
Your business, like any other, depends on the sales you make. But how do you generate sales? Attracting costumers, right? In Network Marketing we have the beautiful opportunity to attract not only loyal costumers but life-long business partners. With traditional methods for building an MLM organization we approach people to find out who is interested in our opportunity, and one common way to do so is buying leads for Network Marketing.
Now, that's subject for another post because there are few things to say about leads (not necessarily bad!). One very important is that in order to be successful calling leads you have to go through a lot of them until you start seeing results. You could buy high quality leads if your budget allows, but you still have to run some numbers.
With Attraction Marketing you are able to generate your own leads. The equation is simple: there are people out there actively looking for what you have (that explains why thousands of people join Network Marketing every day). Your job is to attract them to you offering something of value. Not an opportunity but a solution. That way they can find you. It looks something like this:
Interested people + your valuable information = high quality leads
How are you going to prove that you have knowledge and wisdom they can benefit from? Working on your online presence (see my post about it).
Do you know how to generate Network Marketing leads? Do you want to? Keep following this blog and I'll give you a way to learn more specifics very soon.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Now, that's subject for another post because there are few things to say about leads (not necessarily bad!). One very important is that in order to be successful calling leads you have to go through a lot of them until you start seeing results. You could buy high quality leads if your budget allows, but you still have to run some numbers.
With Attraction Marketing you are able to generate your own leads. The equation is simple: there are people out there actively looking for what you have (that explains why thousands of people join Network Marketing every day). Your job is to attract them to you offering something of value. Not an opportunity but a solution. That way they can find you. It looks something like this:
Interested people + your valuable information = high quality leads
How are you going to prove that you have knowledge and wisdom they can benefit from? Working on your online presence (see my post about it).
Do you know how to generate Network Marketing leads? Do you want to? Keep following this blog and I'll give you a way to learn more specifics very soon.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Monday, November 3, 2008
A thriving Network Marketing business needs a good mentor
In Network Marketing is common to hear that you are in business for yourself but not by yourself. That refers to the network of people you have available to work by your side once you sign up and become a distributor. In includes upline, crossline, even downline and staff in your Company. If you try to do things your own way, without asking for help or guidance, your chances for success are slim.
So, if you want to build a thriving Network Marketing business you are going to look for the right person to be your mentor. Since the success of your business is in your hands, it’s your responsibility to contact him or her first.
A good mentor is willing to be there for you even if he or she is not your sponsor (ideally he’ll be a leader in your upline). She’ll assist you with motivation, answers for your questions, effective methods to build your business, etc. More than anything, she’ll lead by example because she is building her own organization.
If you want to build your business online, your mentor should be ready to help you. But don’t forget that Internet offers the potential to reach to multiple leaders in the Industry whose mission is to help anyone who wants to succeed in Network Marketing. So consider looking online for help from Network Marketers who are building a business online. Soon you’ll be a mentor for your own organization so be ready to learn and share that knowledge.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
So, if you want to build a thriving Network Marketing business you are going to look for the right person to be your mentor. Since the success of your business is in your hands, it’s your responsibility to contact him or her first.
A good mentor is willing to be there for you even if he or she is not your sponsor (ideally he’ll be a leader in your upline). She’ll assist you with motivation, answers for your questions, effective methods to build your business, etc. More than anything, she’ll lead by example because she is building her own organization.
If you want to build your business online, your mentor should be ready to help you. But don’t forget that Internet offers the potential to reach to multiple leaders in the Industry whose mission is to help anyone who wants to succeed in Network Marketing. So consider looking online for help from Network Marketers who are building a business online. Soon you’ll be a mentor for your own organization so be ready to learn and share that knowledge.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Top 5 reasons why a plan is basic in a thriving Network Marketing business
So you know you need a plan, right? If still don't have one, don't get overwhelmed. You can find many tips about how to build one with a simple research online, calling your company for information or asking your upline. It doesn't have to be a perfect plan because nobody is giving you grades or taking notes of your performance. It can be as basic as having your main goal and time frame for achieving it.
If want to be successful in Network Marketing, a business plan can do a lot for you. Why? These top 5 reasons may answer that question:
1. It's your road map. It will remind you of where you are going when you have doubts and wonder why in the world you got involved in MLM.
2. It's your guide for daily action. If you don't know what to do today, you can look at your list of productive activities and invest time in those.
3. It's your business' clock. It will show you if you are late or on time with your goals so you know what adjustments to make.
4. It's one physical materialization of your business. Something happens when we write down our thoughts and can read them. It's a way of telling our brains that it's real, it's happening and it's staying.
5. It's a way to share your plans for the future with others. You can show your potential business partners where you are heading and how you are going to get there.
Keep in mind: reading your plan every day doesn't make you money. Doing what it's in there does. A successful Network Marketer is not the one with the most impressive plan but the one who puts it into action and keeps putting one foot in front of the other.
Just for fun: Our plans can change and we have to be ready!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
If want to be successful in Network Marketing, a business plan can do a lot for you. Why? These top 5 reasons may answer that question:
1. It's your road map. It will remind you of where you are going when you have doubts and wonder why in the world you got involved in MLM.
2. It's your guide for daily action. If you don't know what to do today, you can look at your list of productive activities and invest time in those.
3. It's your business' clock. It will show you if you are late or on time with your goals so you know what adjustments to make.
4. It's one physical materialization of your business. Something happens when we write down our thoughts and can read them. It's a way of telling our brains that it's real, it's happening and it's staying.
5. It's a way to share your plans for the future with others. You can show your potential business partners where you are heading and how you are going to get there.
Keep in mind: reading your plan every day doesn't make you money. Doing what it's in there does. A successful Network Marketer is not the one with the most impressive plan but the one who puts it into action and keeps putting one foot in front of the other.
Just for fun: Our plans can change and we have to be ready!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Using the Internet in Network Marketing means using leverage
There are many ways to build a Network Marketing business. Basically, you present your information to prospects. And how do you find prospects? Where? Here is where the work starts: handing out fliers, brochures or invitation cards, sending e-mails, approaching friends and family, asking for referrals, calling leads, etc. It’s true that the “real” work comes when you have associates to train but isn’t it hard enough to find people to invite? Many (if not all) of the great leaders in the industry will tell you about the number of “no’s” they got before their “yes’s”. Still, they built a strong business presenting to people.
You can only give so many presentations a week. And yes, when your associates are doing the same you are using leverage. If 10 associates give presentations then it’s like you are doing your work 10 times. What is better: one person doing 100% of the job, or 100 people doing 1%? This concept fascinated me when I started to become familiar with Network Marketing.
But what about multiplying everyone’s efforts by being in different places at the same time, all of you? That’s the power of using Internet in Network Marketing. I’m not talking only about live or recorded online presentations (which are great), e-mails or auto responders. I’m talking about people from all over the country and even the world coming to see what you have, even when you are sleeping. They build that relationship of trust with you without having to talk with you since the beginning. They know you because they see what you have written all over the red and your name starts to become familiar. You are knowledgeable and a mentor to them All of this at their own pace, when they want.
It’s leverage at its best. And that’s why is so important to have a good online presence!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
You can only give so many presentations a week. And yes, when your associates are doing the same you are using leverage. If 10 associates give presentations then it’s like you are doing your work 10 times. What is better: one person doing 100% of the job, or 100 people doing 1%? This concept fascinated me when I started to become familiar with Network Marketing.
But what about multiplying everyone’s efforts by being in different places at the same time, all of you? That’s the power of using Internet in Network Marketing. I’m not talking only about live or recorded online presentations (which are great), e-mails or auto responders. I’m talking about people from all over the country and even the world coming to see what you have, even when you are sleeping. They build that relationship of trust with you without having to talk with you since the beginning. They know you because they see what you have written all over the red and your name starts to become familiar. You are knowledgeable and a mentor to them All of this at their own pace, when they want.
It’s leverage at its best. And that’s why is so important to have a good online presence!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A good online presence Part 2: How do you establish your online presence?
We know it’s important to have a web presence. Making our names known will show that we have the knowledge, wisdom, common sense and willingness to help and guide others.
So, how do you build a good and strong presence online? There are many different ways! And the best part is that most of them are free. I have to warn you though: it’s doable but it takes time, consistency and persistence. You have to set a frame of time to work on some kind of online presence activity. OK, here are some ways to do it:
1. Blogging! Blogs are a personal way to reach your prospects. See my post about blogging here.
2. Writing articles related to your keyword or the subject you are promoting. When submitting an article, use the box for personal information wisely and add links. There are many e-zines where you can publish, like ezinearticles or goarticles.
3. Participate in forums and always leave a signature with a link to your website (i.e. your blog). Offer valuable comments beyond the “good job” common one.
4. Place ads in sites like Craiglist.
5. Ask questions and offer answers in Yahoo Answers or similar websites.
6. Use social sites to socialize and leave comments about websites related to your interest. It’s tempting to take long to do this, but you don’t need more than 10 minutes (I’m getting better at this too). One great site is SocialMarker, where you can find the best websites to submit to.
7. Create an online business card. I found this website called BusinessCard2 that looks very professional.
And these are only some of them! The most important thing is to take action to have a good online presence. Start with something today!
We are successful Network Marketing moms.
So, how do you build a good and strong presence online? There are many different ways! And the best part is that most of them are free. I have to warn you though: it’s doable but it takes time, consistency and persistence. You have to set a frame of time to work on some kind of online presence activity. OK, here are some ways to do it:
1. Blogging! Blogs are a personal way to reach your prospects. See my post about blogging here.
2. Writing articles related to your keyword or the subject you are promoting. When submitting an article, use the box for personal information wisely and add links. There are many e-zines where you can publish, like ezinearticles or goarticles.
3. Participate in forums and always leave a signature with a link to your website (i.e. your blog). Offer valuable comments beyond the “good job” common one.
4. Place ads in sites like Craiglist.
5. Ask questions and offer answers in Yahoo Answers or similar websites.
6. Use social sites to socialize and leave comments about websites related to your interest. It’s tempting to take long to do this, but you don’t need more than 10 minutes (I’m getting better at this too). One great site is SocialMarker, where you can find the best websites to submit to.
7. Create an online business card. I found this website called BusinessCard2 that looks very professional.
And these are only some of them! The most important thing is to take action to have a good online presence. Start with something today!
We are successful Network Marketing moms.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
An example of web presence
One of the sites that help establish a good online presence is It allows you to claim your blog so you appear as its right owner, besides submitting comments about articles or blogs (including yours).
So I need to post this link to assure that this is my blog: Technorati Profile
Takes practice and patience!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
So I need to post this link to assure that this is my blog: Technorati Profile
Takes practice and patience!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
A good online presence Part 1: Why is important to have a good online presence?
We talked about the importance of Marketing and that we need to take advantage of the Internet to market the most important product we are promoting: ourselves. The importance of a good online presence, or web presence has to do with building a relationship of trust that we need to establish with our prospects. It is making your name easy to recognize by others. There are different ways to institute you as a leader and the expert many people will want to join in business.
A good online presence is important because when people look for what you have they need to know they can trust you. It’s the same principle we use when we approach prospects one by one, but using the Internet allows us to be in many different places at the same time. It’s leverage at its best. Instead of taking several conversations and encounters for someone to trust you enough as to hand you his or her credit card, with a strong web presence you can come across as the mentor they are looking for.
With a good online presence you’ll make your name known to others. Imagine if someone comes across your website and likes what she sees. She (or he) might want to know what else you have out there and searches your name, will it come up? What content will it show? Nowadays a web presence is about generosity so the more information or opinions you share, the better your presence will be. It’s not only “come visit my website” but visiting others and leave a comment or rating. More on that next!
So, make your name known and start establishing a good online presence. I’m working on that, too!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
A good online presence is important because when people look for what you have they need to know they can trust you. It’s the same principle we use when we approach prospects one by one, but using the Internet allows us to be in many different places at the same time. It’s leverage at its best. Instead of taking several conversations and encounters for someone to trust you enough as to hand you his or her credit card, with a strong web presence you can come across as the mentor they are looking for.
With a good online presence you’ll make your name known to others. Imagine if someone comes across your website and likes what she sees. She (or he) might want to know what else you have out there and searches your name, will it come up? What content will it show? Nowadays a web presence is about generosity so the more information or opinions you share, the better your presence will be. It’s not only “come visit my website” but visiting others and leave a comment or rating. More on that next!
So, make your name known and start establishing a good online presence. I’m working on that, too!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Marketing in Network Marketing
Why is Marketing so important in Network Marketing? Because is the way to communicate our message to the people who need and want what we have. Most of us make the mistake to give away brochures, samples or other tools that promote our Company and/or our products. We try to attract the prospects one by one instead of using the right Marketing System that attracts dozens and even hundreds of them.
In a traditional way, a Network Marketing business is built with home presentations, hotel meetings, parties, referrals, cold calling, etc. You invite someone who invites someone who knows someone, right? And at some point in the network someone will join you. How long does it take to build a Residual Income business this way?
With the technology we have to our disposition now, not using Internet for Marketing in your business is almost trying to go against the current. It’s true that you have to build a relationship of trust with your prospects. You can do that online establishing yourself as a credible knowledgeable person, a leader who is willing to share his or her knowledge, a leader who has learned something of value and wants to pass it along to others. That is in the core of Marketing in Network Marketing: knowing that the first and most important thing you want to market is not a product or an opportunity, it’s you.
We’ll talk more about the importance of a web presence and ways to build yours in future posts.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
In a traditional way, a Network Marketing business is built with home presentations, hotel meetings, parties, referrals, cold calling, etc. You invite someone who invites someone who knows someone, right? And at some point in the network someone will join you. How long does it take to build a Residual Income business this way?
With the technology we have to our disposition now, not using Internet for Marketing in your business is almost trying to go against the current. It’s true that you have to build a relationship of trust with your prospects. You can do that online establishing yourself as a credible knowledgeable person, a leader who is willing to share his or her knowledge, a leader who has learned something of value and wants to pass it along to others. That is in the core of Marketing in Network Marketing: knowing that the first and most important thing you want to market is not a product or an opportunity, it’s you.
We’ll talk more about the importance of a web presence and ways to build yours in future posts.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Are you frustrated with Network Marketing?
You know Network Marketing is an opportunity for the average person to build a Residual Income and really help others. And you probably did everything you were told: went to training meetings, used your product and learned about it, drove people to the presentations, invited friends for lunch, etc. And still, the result was little to none success. Now, that is frustrating. And yes, I’ve been there and done that. I’m a frustrated Network Marketer too.
It’s called "Network Marketing" for a reason: you market in your network. You network first, market second, right? Wrong! Marketing has to be at the center of your business. Effective Marketing attracts people to you, instead of you approaching them.
So, where do you find enough people? In the Internet! Prospects come to you because they are looking for what you have and see the value in your information. They are pre-sold.
That is what Ann Sieg proposes in her book The Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing. It’s provocative and sassy. But it also tells it how it is. It’s intended for people who are looking for a more effective way to build a downline. When I read it I not only felt related but understood. I wasn’t so wrong after all! I didn’t need a bigger why after all! The secret is in the Marketing. Attraction Marketing, that is. And this book is a cornerstone in the new era of Network Marketing: Internet Network Marketing
So, if you are a frustrated Network Marketer, you have hope. There is a better way. Grab a copy of the FREE e-book “The Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing” now. Stop your frustration and start the satisfaction of Networking!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
It’s called "Network Marketing" for a reason: you market in your network. You network first, market second, right? Wrong! Marketing has to be at the center of your business. Effective Marketing attracts people to you, instead of you approaching them.
So, where do you find enough people? In the Internet! Prospects come to you because they are looking for what you have and see the value in your information. They are pre-sold.
That is what Ann Sieg proposes in her book The Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing. It’s provocative and sassy. But it also tells it how it is. It’s intended for people who are looking for a more effective way to build a downline. When I read it I not only felt related but understood. I wasn’t so wrong after all! I didn’t need a bigger why after all! The secret is in the Marketing. Attraction Marketing, that is. And this book is a cornerstone in the new era of Network Marketing: Internet Network Marketing
So, if you are a frustrated Network Marketer, you have hope. There is a better way. Grab a copy of the FREE e-book “The Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing” now. Stop your frustration and start the satisfaction of Networking!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Why people fail in Network Marketing? 5 simple reasons
It's known that 97% of people fail in Network Marketing. It's actually one of the main reasons some people use to damage the image of the industry. But we don't deny it. We fight it and try to make it to the 3%. We try to understand the reasons so we don't make the same mistakes everyone else is making. So, why do people fail in Network Marketing and what can we do?
There are many sources that explain the failure in MLM. Ranging from 1 to 10 or more, leaders give reasons that I summarize in five because of their similar nature:
1. Lack of education and training : we could say that everything can be resumed in this one because we should learn the basic principles of the next reasons in this area. It includes the things that we don't understand at the beginning of our careers, like the need to change mentalities (from employee to business owner) and all that comes with that: treating our business like a business, the importance of daily motivation, the need of a marketing plan, the different strategies we can use, etc.
2. Lack of money: Yes, we all want to make money. I bet that's why you signed up, right? (I know I did). Part of that business mentality means that we need a budget, especially for marketing since is the most important activity.
3. Lack of productivity: Some leaders mention activity, but there are many Network Marketers out there filling their days with activity that doesn't make them money. Productivity is what we need to succeed and defeat failure.
4. Lack of realistic expectations: If someone told you this was easy, I'm sorry. It's simple, but it doesn't mean is easy. It takes work and dedication. And even though it IS possible to have immediate success, not many people have the skills to do that. For most of us, simple humans and busy moms, it's going to take effort and patience. And that has to do with understanding exponential growth (as part of the training, reason#1)
5. Lack of marketing: Now this is the big one. Again, we go back to training because we should focus more in learning how to market and more importantly, WHAT to market, since the beginning of our careers. And not only learn but do, so we can really "earn as we learn". Marketing is at the core of our business. Without it, we have nothing. With good marketing tools and system (yes, we still need one) we'll never run out of prospects. Even better, qualified prospects, the ones that actually want to work with us.
Do you want to know more?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
There are many sources that explain the failure in MLM. Ranging from 1 to 10 or more, leaders give reasons that I summarize in five because of their similar nature:
1. Lack of education and training : we could say that everything can be resumed in this one because we should learn the basic principles of the next reasons in this area. It includes the things that we don't understand at the beginning of our careers, like the need to change mentalities (from employee to business owner) and all that comes with that: treating our business like a business, the importance of daily motivation, the need of a marketing plan, the different strategies we can use, etc.
2. Lack of money: Yes, we all want to make money. I bet that's why you signed up, right? (I know I did). Part of that business mentality means that we need a budget, especially for marketing since is the most important activity.
3. Lack of productivity: Some leaders mention activity, but there are many Network Marketers out there filling their days with activity that doesn't make them money. Productivity is what we need to succeed and defeat failure.
4. Lack of realistic expectations: If someone told you this was easy, I'm sorry. It's simple, but it doesn't mean is easy. It takes work and dedication. And even though it IS possible to have immediate success, not many people have the skills to do that. For most of us, simple humans and busy moms, it's going to take effort and patience. And that has to do with understanding exponential growth (as part of the training, reason#1)
5. Lack of marketing: Now this is the big one. Again, we go back to training because we should focus more in learning how to market and more importantly, WHAT to market, since the beginning of our careers. And not only learn but do, so we can really "earn as we learn". Marketing is at the core of our business. Without it, we have nothing. With good marketing tools and system (yes, we still need one) we'll never run out of prospects. Even better, qualified prospects, the ones that actually want to work with us.
Do you want to know more?
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Why are blogs important in Network Marketing?
Blogs are important actually for any business. They build a community of people with similar interests. When you leave a post in your blog, you are open to receive comments and create an exchange of information between people (a.k.a. prospects).
The word "blog" is the short form of "web log". What started as an online diary to keep in touch with family and friends has become and important marketing tool. Blogs are important in Network Marketing because they help you distribute your information and create a presence in the web. They are easy to use and many services are free, which means you can save money.
Some tips to maximize the benefits of a blog in Network Marketing:
1) Update the content on a regular basis. That's going to make the difference when you rank up the search engines. Pay attention to how many blogs are in the first pages of Google. Many of them are business oriented blogs. Keep in mind that you'll need several posts before you start seeing real traffic.
2) Make it interesting for others. This means that you have to pick the theme you want to share information about (tips, advice, statistics, etc.) as if you where doing the research. Would you look information about it? What are people looking for?
3) Keep it keyword rich. This is the group of words or the phrases that designate the theme you picked. Repeat it in different parts and with different variations in your post. Bold it, underlined it, linked, etc. Make it noticeable and your Network Marketing blog will be an important marketing tool in your business. Can you guess what are the weywords of this post?
4) You have to read some information first and do some research to know what people are looking for (their problem), what things are out there (the solutions) and how you can compete with them (can you do better?).
Finally, keep it simple an be patient! don't get overwhelmed. Take one step at a time and remind yourself of how much your are learning and how that is going to affect positively your business.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
The word "blog" is the short form of "web log". What started as an online diary to keep in touch with family and friends has become and important marketing tool. Blogs are important in Network Marketing because they help you distribute your information and create a presence in the web. They are easy to use and many services are free, which means you can save money.
Some tips to maximize the benefits of a blog in Network Marketing:
1) Update the content on a regular basis. That's going to make the difference when you rank up the search engines. Pay attention to how many blogs are in the first pages of Google. Many of them are business oriented blogs. Keep in mind that you'll need several posts before you start seeing real traffic.
2) Make it interesting for others. This means that you have to pick the theme you want to share information about (tips, advice, statistics, etc.) as if you where doing the research. Would you look information about it? What are people looking for?
3) Keep it keyword rich. This is the group of words or the phrases that designate the theme you picked. Repeat it in different parts and with different variations in your post. Bold it, underlined it, linked, etc. Make it noticeable and your Network Marketing blog will be an important marketing tool in your business. Can you guess what are the weywords of this post?
4) You have to read some information first and do some research to know what people are looking for (their problem), what things are out there (the solutions) and how you can compete with them (can you do better?).
Finally, keep it simple an be patient! don't get overwhelmed. Take one step at a time and remind yourself of how much your are learning and how that is going to affect positively your business.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Yes, Moms can work at home
Why did you start a Network Marketing business? Besides your personal reasons, I bet you did because you believed that you, as a mom, could be successful working at home. You have the qualities and the drive to succeed so, what's stopping you?
There are many options out there for moms who want to work at homee. There are jobs like typing or medical billing and many of them offer a flexible schedule so you can fit it easily in your busy day. But you chose to have your own business. That makes you an entrepreneur and a boss. You are in control of your income and can make as much or as little as you want. You also control your hours and your activities.
Maybe you are overwhelmed with the amount of things you have to learn, or don't even know where to start. Maybe you had some success and are getting worried about drying out your circle of influence. Or you are ready to try new ways to build your business. In any of these situations, you should consider use the Internet.
Working from home can be challenging. Moms already have many things in our hands, but if you follow easy steps and guidelines (that I'll provide as this blog grows) you CAN and will be successful!!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
There are many options out there for moms who want to work at homee. There are jobs like typing or medical billing and many of them offer a flexible schedule so you can fit it easily in your busy day. But you chose to have your own business. That makes you an entrepreneur and a boss. You are in control of your income and can make as much or as little as you want. You also control your hours and your activities.
Maybe you are overwhelmed with the amount of things you have to learn, or don't even know where to start. Maybe you had some success and are getting worried about drying out your circle of influence. Or you are ready to try new ways to build your business. In any of these situations, you should consider use the Internet.
Working from home can be challenging. Moms already have many things in our hands, but if you follow easy steps and guidelines (that I'll provide as this blog grows) you CAN and will be successful!!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
moms work at home,
Stay at home Moms,
work at home moms
Monday, September 29, 2008
Network Marketing in the Internet?
Is it possible to build a successful Network Marketing business in the Internet? What makes you doubt?
Maybe you don't know many people who actually do this. Or the people you know speak in a different language (building a 2.0 website?, driving traffic to your affiliate links? inserting a ahref tag in your module? WHAT??!!) First, you have to KNOW it's possible. And YOU can do it. Don't just think you might get it. KNOW you WILL.
Take it easy and break it into little steps. Allow yourself time for learning if you are totally new to this. Even in the process you have to be able to start doing something. Set a time frame to take those little steps. If you have a couple of hours while your baby is sleeping, forget about the laundry for a while. Use that time (or a fragment) to do things you need to pay more attention to in the Internet, the ones that require more concentration on your part.
When the kids come back from school set aside 15 minutes to tweak your previous actions. Ask them to read what you wrote or check your spelling. Getting them involved not only will make them feel important but will show them that you want to be good at this and are making the effort. Nothing like teaching by example, huh?
Keep in mind that people will join YOU, not your opportunity. What do YOU have to offer? Whom are you attracting? What is your target market? What are you going to give to them? I'm talking about expertise, useful information, advice, etc. That's how you market yourself in the Internet.
Start with a blog. There are free and paid services to do that. Watch the instructional videos if you need to and become familiar with it. If you are going to do something today, start with that. And remember: you are working!, don't take endless breaks. There is time for business work and time for house work. Respect both and focus solely in one at a time.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Maybe you don't know many people who actually do this. Or the people you know speak in a different language (building a 2.0 website?, driving traffic to your affiliate links? inserting a ahref tag in your module? WHAT??!!) First, you have to KNOW it's possible. And YOU can do it. Don't just think you might get it. KNOW you WILL.
Take it easy and break it into little steps. Allow yourself time for learning if you are totally new to this. Even in the process you have to be able to start doing something. Set a time frame to take those little steps. If you have a couple of hours while your baby is sleeping, forget about the laundry for a while. Use that time (or a fragment) to do things you need to pay more attention to in the Internet, the ones that require more concentration on your part.
When the kids come back from school set aside 15 minutes to tweak your previous actions. Ask them to read what you wrote or check your spelling. Getting them involved not only will make them feel important but will show them that you want to be good at this and are making the effort. Nothing like teaching by example, huh?
Keep in mind that people will join YOU, not your opportunity. What do YOU have to offer? Whom are you attracting? What is your target market? What are you going to give to them? I'm talking about expertise, useful information, advice, etc. That's how you market yourself in the Internet.
Start with a blog. There are free and paid services to do that. Watch the instructional videos if you need to and become familiar with it. If you are going to do something today, start with that. And remember: you are working!, don't take endless breaks. There is time for business work and time for house work. Respect both and focus solely in one at a time.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Building a Network Marketing business online does take work!
How many times have you decided not to work because the laundry couldn't wait or you had to bake cookies for the PTO Fund raising? Or maybe because you really didn't know what to do or weren't sure whom to call?
You know that the only activities that are going to make you money are the productive ones. And those don't include checking your email or updating your profile in your website. And the presentations and parties are nice but they don't really make you money until a sale is made. Usually the guests don't pay for information, right? What if you were making money only if they are attending or want to grab one of your sample products?
That's one of the benefits that Attraction Marketing offers. Network Marketing as we knew it is changing. The more successful leaders knew that they had to present only to qualified prospects and the work was to find them. Using the right system, we can make those prospects actually come to us (no kidding). And the most interesting part is that they are willing to pay for information that is valuable to them. So you can have cash flow while sorting the best people you want in your business.
But it doesn't come easy. Just as the old way, the new one takes time and dedication. One difference I found is that even if it takes time, it is productive. And once you do some things you don't have to do them again. Now, that's nice.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
You know that the only activities that are going to make you money are the productive ones. And those don't include checking your email or updating your profile in your website. And the presentations and parties are nice but they don't really make you money until a sale is made. Usually the guests don't pay for information, right? What if you were making money only if they are attending or want to grab one of your sample products?
That's one of the benefits that Attraction Marketing offers. Network Marketing as we knew it is changing. The more successful leaders knew that they had to present only to qualified prospects and the work was to find them. Using the right system, we can make those prospects actually come to us (no kidding). And the most interesting part is that they are willing to pay for information that is valuable to them. So you can have cash flow while sorting the best people you want in your business.
But it doesn't come easy. Just as the old way, the new one takes time and dedication. One difference I found is that even if it takes time, it is productive. And once you do some things you don't have to do them again. Now, that's nice.
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Online Network Marketing Success
Is it possible to have success building a Network Marketing business online? Maybe you were told that the only way to build your organization was talking with family, friends, acquaintances, barely-known people, leads...
Going from hot to cold, everyone could be (or actually was) your prospect. You sorted and looked for those motivated potential partners who would be successful thanks to you. In return, you would be successful too.
Yeah, right.
Now, don't get me wrong. It is a networking business. And yes, we have the chance to offer our incredible opportunity to our loved ones.
After all, we don't want them to despise us in the future (you know, when we are billionaires) because we didn't tell them about it.
The personal interaction is going to be present somehow, at some point. We are moms, that makes us unofficial PhD's in Public Relations.
But what about the "marketing" part? What if it's possible to market your business online and get people coming to you, for real? Even if you are new to Internet and ask your children to explain to you what on earth HTML means, you can create a successful online Network Marketing business.
More and more, there are training systems that teach you the right way to do it.
Look closely and be patient. In the next posts I'll share with you what I found. It does take work, fun work.
The best way to digest everything is in little bites, and that's what I want to give you. Doing something everyday you can accomplish great things. Ready? Set. Go!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
Going from hot to cold, everyone could be (or actually was) your prospect. You sorted and looked for those motivated potential partners who would be successful thanks to you. In return, you would be successful too.
Yeah, right.
Now, don't get me wrong. It is a networking business. And yes, we have the chance to offer our incredible opportunity to our loved ones.
After all, we don't want them to despise us in the future (you know, when we are billionaires) because we didn't tell them about it.
The personal interaction is going to be present somehow, at some point. We are moms, that makes us unofficial PhD's in Public Relations.
But what about the "marketing" part? What if it's possible to market your business online and get people coming to you, for real? Even if you are new to Internet and ask your children to explain to you what on earth HTML means, you can create a successful online Network Marketing business.
More and more, there are training systems that teach you the right way to do it.
Look closely and be patient. In the next posts I'll share with you what I found. It does take work, fun work.
The best way to digest everything is in little bites, and that's what I want to give you. Doing something everyday you can accomplish great things. Ready? Set. Go!
We are successful Network Marketing Moms.
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