Saturday, November 8, 2008

Objections in Network Marketing-how to avoid them

You usually hear or read advice about how to handle objections. And it's important that we know how to do it. It's probably one of the most important skills in Network Marketing. We start by listening to the prospect so we can understand where the objection comes from (most of the time it's fear). Without belittling their feelings, we help them see the bigger picture taking their focus off the negative things they see. It takes time, practice, patience and energy. When you listen to the leaders in the Industry making life calls to prospects, they make it look so easy!

But, what can be even easier?

What about avoiding objections in the first place? I don't mean "avoid" in a way that you ignore what they say and keep pushing you opportunity whether they like it or not. I mean "avoid" in a way that they are not there because the prospect already found the answer she or he was looking for.

That's what happens when you have valuable information to offer online. Honest, transparent and simple information about Network Marketing. Interested people are looking for answers and it's our job to give them good ones. It's very frustrating when you follow tips and recommendations without success. That's where practice and patience comes in play. Now that I know I can attract people with most of their Network Marketing objections solved, I feel way more confident. And that's a treat that we see in all the great MLM leaders.

So, grab a copy of the FREE e-book on the side, "The 7 great lies in Network Marketing" and see for yourself that avoiding most objections in Network Marketing is possible.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!


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