Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Successful Wahms: How important is learning and personal development?

In order to be a successful Work At Home Mom we have to develop certain skills. Organizational skills as well as leadership skills are only two of them.

There are certain skills that we can’t do without in business. Listening is one of them, as I've posted before. But even when we think is natural for us; we always have to learn more and more. I’ve always been told that I have the ability to listen but it’s not always easy, especially because I like talking.

Some times we need to work on a new set of abilities that are foreign to us and some times we have to un-learn what is part of our baggage. And always we have to tap into our singularity and empower those abilities and skills that make us unique.

The point is, even with all the technical and practical knowledge to run a business, we need to learn and work on personal development if we want to be successful WAHMs. There are too many things to learn and it’s impossible to do it all but keeping that sense of wonder and curiosity is not only healthy but a potential for personal growth.

Personal development has many aspects like self knowledge and discovering of self purpose, identifying your potential, building an identity, fulfilling dreams and aspirations, finding inspiration and motivation, letting go of destructive relationships or influences, etc.

We have to take the time to work on our personal growth because that is reflected in the rest of activities that make our businesses productive. This blog is about Network Marketing for Moms, but this is true for any business and life in general!.

There are countless resources for learning and personal development or personal growth. Two of them are Steve Pavlina.com and BraveHeartWomen.com. Take time for yourself, it will benefit your business.

With this, I sing off until next week. Have a Great Thanksgiving.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

PS: Was this useful for you? If yes, please share it. Thanks!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties, Part 2

In the first part I talked about how offering value is a common feature for success in Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties. In this part we will see a similitude between Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties when the sales happen.

In Online MLM when you have visitors in your website it’s important that they come back. How? Asking for their information! When you have a name and email address you keep sending more value in Newsletters, mini Courses, Special Reports, etc. And you can sell.

When does the sale happen during a Home Party? Usually at the end, right?, when (ideally) everyone is anxious to take their wallets out. They can’t wait to give you their money. They get a good product and you get the sale. It’s a win-win.

Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties are methods to build a Network Marketing business. Both are a process. You give value, establish yourself as a leader, ask your prospects’ information, keep building a relationship (follow up) and earn the right to sell.

When you use Attraction Marketing in any of those methods, you will attract success in Network Marketing.

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We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties, Part 1

I've posted before about MLM Online and Home Parties. These are two strategies to build a Network Marketing business and I feel that we can say more about them.

MLM online is taking the Internet like a storm. It’s the new era in Network Marketing. It’s about using Internet as the backbone of your business. It goes beyond sending emails or placing orders. But my guess is that Home Parties will still go strong.

How can they be similar? What do they have in common?

To build a Network Marketing business online we need people looking at our content, Which means, we need to create content and it has to be valuable. We need to earn the right to sell our products, our business or both.

The most successful Home Parties are the ones that offer valuable information. This can be, for instance, in the form of an Awareness Seminar, Spa or Hands-on learning where the guests can see and try the products. They learn how they can benefit from them and can see the value you offer.

Building an MLM business online is no different. You offer value with your content and your visitors may want to come back. They can tell other people about your website by sharing it in Social Media sites. In Home Parties, when one guest invites other, there are chances that she is going to buy again from you when she comes back, and probably the new guest will too. In both cases you earned the right to sell by offering value.

In the second part you’ll see the similitude between Internet Network Marketing and Home Parties when the sales happen. To make sure you get the second part, subscribe to receive my posts in your email.

What other attributes you find similar in MLM Online and Home Parties? Leave a comment about it.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Online Network Marketing Tip for Moms: the one skill that we all need to work on

One of the most important, if not THE most important skill in Network Marketing is listening. I’ve posted before about the importance of listening more and talk less. Is a skill that I am working on too.

Have you felt before that you have something in control and suddenly you realize you don’t? I felt like that when I read about how lead-generation tools can be only a little part of success in Online Network Marketing when you don’t listen. Read it yourself and see why Mike Klingler treats SEO, Social Media and PPC the same while making lead generation easy.

I always have Network Marketing Moms in mind when I create content. My goal is to share simple ways to build our businesses online. I want to give you what you need and what you are looking for. But now my commitment is even greater. I’m tuning in my ears to pay more attention to myself and to you.

As moms we are always demanding from our children that they listen to us. What does that mean? We want them to pay attention to what we are saying and act accordingly. Many times I hear myself saying “you weren’t listening!”. What is the outcome of lack of listening? They get in trouble, at least, because they didn’t do what they were supposed to. And more than once we have to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and… you know what I mean.

In Online Network Marketing (and offline too!) similar things happen. I want to generate more leads so I have to listen more carefully to my intuition and to what other Network Marketing Moms need. If I don’t, I risk not doing what I’m supposed to do.

If you are struggling with your business this may be the reason why. Look at your target market again and get to know it. Listen to it so you can offer them what they need and want.

Listen (I mean pay attention, feel, absorb, take notes) to this webinar with Dr. Ellie Drake to learn how to get a Keen Insight by applying Nine Tips for Effective Listening. (LINK)

Also, in order to give you better information, let me know what you want to know about. Leave a comment. Let me listen to you!

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Friday, November 13, 2009

One sure way to fail in Network Marketing, Part 3

In the first two parts of this series I told you how I was a lead being called by a Network Marketer. This made me think about the times when I called leads and how uncomfortable it can be. Calling cold leads can be one sure way to fail in Network Marketing.

I know that there are people who succeed doing this. I know that saying that this is a sure way to fail in Network Marketing is controversial. But for many Network Marketers it is. It’s not just about a bad script or a bad lead.

It’s the difference between attracting people and chasing them. Cold calling may be your best chance to fail in Network Marketing because you are not attracting these leads to you, you are going after them.

There is an alternative way to build a Network Marketing business besides calling people who don’t want to be called. Some forget that they filled out a form or lose interest in a home business. Some just have no idea they are leads.

Even with great and hot leads you have to go through many until you find a good prospect for you. And if you don’t have good communication skills you are wasting your money anyway. Don’t get me wrong, you do need those skills if you are doing Network Marketing Online too.

The only point I want to make here is that we don’t need to do that! We don’t need to call cold leads. The best leads to call are the ones who have asked us to do so. That usually happens only after they receive value from us, know they can learn from us and want to work with us.

If you are still making those calls and are feeling frustrated about it, it’s time to consider using the Internet to attract prospects and build your Network Marketing business.

One of the best ways to start is with Ann Sieg’s free e-book The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing. Get a copy and learn more about sure ways to fail in Network Marketing.

Then start working on your new online strategy. I’m here to help. We can do it together.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One sure way to fail in Network Marketing, Part 2

In the first part I told you how I was caught off guard when a guy called me to find out if I was interested in his opportunity. If you missed Part 1 here is it again: One sure way to fail in Network Marketing, Part 1

My caller was obviously growing impatient with me and decided to blow me off before I could waste his time. He offered his phone number for me to call him back. I asked him if he knew that that didn’t work and if he really wanted to talk to me he should call me back.

Maybe not the best thing to say. Hey, I said I was practicing my "Keen Insight" skills, not that I had perfected them. Between awkward laughs, he said that he did and that was why he was giving his number because he knew that if I were interested in making money with this great opportunity, I would call him. And I was honest to say that I wasn’t interested.

Even though we were laughing, I could sense that he was irritated and uncomfortable. He was wasting his time with someone who wasn’t going to be a good prospect after all when he could probably be making other more productive calls. Maybe he had a long list of current Network Marketers in other Companies. After all, those are good leads, right?

I was almost embarrassed thinking that I’ve done that before. I never called Network Marketers just because I didn’t get to it. But I have called business owners, Realtors and purchased leads, among others.

People who didn’t know me nor recognize my name. People who didn’t know if I could teach them how to build a business. I had to try to convince them of that during the call with my security, self confidence and unbreakable voice. The problem was, with every failed call it was harder to keep my motivation and posture.

Why cold calling is one sure way to fail in Network Marketing? In the third part of this series you’ll find out. Although I think you already know it.

To make sure you get the third part, subscribe for the RSS feed or bookmark my blog.

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One sure way to fail in Network Marketing, Part 1

Last week I read with especial interest one of Ann Sieg’s email. She told her subscribers how she witnessed these guys calling friends in their list of prospects. This was while she was working on content online.

The point was that there are still many people out there who don’t know about Internet Network Marketing. Even when we think that we have saturated the market online, we have not!

There are new and seasoned Network Marketers who are still unaware of the power of Internet to build their businesses. There are many Home Business owners who are working on their lists, calling friends, family and cold leads. And failing in Network Marketing.

One of those called me on Friday. It was a bad moment for me to be on the phone. We had just gotten home from school. We had a scary moment when we saw a 3 year old running across the street and his older brother running after him. “We” as in my 7 year old daughter, my 2 year old son and I. Actually, she answered the phone.

Needless to say, I wasn’t the best prospect at the moment. I was caught even more off guard when, after I took the phone, the guy mentioned my MLM Company. It took me a moment to realize that it wasn’t an official call from the Company but someone who was trying to interest me in another opportunity.

He was good at recognizing that it wasn’t a good moment for me and asked me when it was. He didn’t estate his name or the purpose of his call until I asked. Having been in a great call with Ellie Drake (“Developing a keen insight”, thanks to Mike Klingler), I practiced my recently acquired listening skills.

Can you tell what is one sure way to fail in Network Marketing yet?

Want to know what happened next? Subscribe to my RSS feed so you don’t miss it.

We are Successful Network Marketing Moms!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The best of MLM for moms: There is a better way to build Network Marketing

If you are an MLM mom and are looking for a better way to build Network Marketing, you are not alone. For many people, like me, traditional methods of Network Marketing work only partially. I know there are many leaders who don’t like this because they will tell you to work your numbers and prospect more and more people, to show the plan, to follow up.

But you don’t have to go through the frustration and embarrassment of people avoiding you or being defensive if you bring up “this home business of mine”. If you are ready for a better way to build Network Marketing, get your FREE copy of “The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing” NOW.

Ann Sieg is famous for over delivering and providing massive value in her legendary special reports and this is no different. She writes in a very colloquial way and I promise you will feel identified after few sentences of reading it. It’s so hard to put it down that you might want to skip making dinner. Just don’t forget to pick up your children from school.

In the book you will learn:

-The 7 biggest reasons most network marketers struggle (and ultimately fail) in this industry and why YOU no longer have to worry about them.

-What it really takes to grow a business that grows with or without you (in a comfortable way that fits your unique personality and values)

-Simple things you can do right now to make it easy and enjoyable for your prospects to buy.

And much more!. I’m very excited with everything that Ann Sieg offers now with her book. You’re going to learn some incredible principles that will save you enormous amounts of time, money, and headaches with your MLM business.

You are 30 seconds away from getting the best of MLM for Moms and any serious Network Marketer:


We are successful Network Marketing Moms!

PS: This e-book is controversial. Get ready for it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stay At Home Mom Working from Home: How to be a successful WAHM Part 2

In the first part we talked about being organized and write down your goals. Other components to being a Successful WAHM are:

3. Set your goals, write them, keep them in sight. This will keep you motivated. There are days when we don’t want to do anything. But we must keep going. I look at my board with thoughts, phrases and dreams and I know where I’m walking towards. Honestly, it was easier to feel frustrated when I used only traditional methods in Network Marketing. Using Online Marketing allows you to be productive without having to check “Zero people contacted today”.

4. Have a mentor. This is crucial. Who can teach you what to do? If you are a Network Marketing Mom then you already have people ready to coach you. But you can also find coaches online, leaders who will be more than happy to help you or have great material for free.

5. Be patient. Usually a business needs few years to take off. You will always learn about people who did it in months or even weeks but do your best not to compare with them. There are many successful WAHMs out there. Learn from them but don’t compare. You can’t have what you envy. Your situation is unique, your frustrations are unique and your abilities and gifts are unique. Be patient with yourself. I know that I can do in one week what other people do in one day. But I’m patient. If I persist I will be victorious. And so do you.

Now it’s your turn. Add to this list. How can we be Successful WAHMs?

We are successful Network Marketing Moms!